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Ice Breaker Activities for Youth

Young people often have a difficult time getting to know one another, especially during a youth gathering. They may already feel self conscious about themselves, which makes reaching out to someone else daunting. Icebreakers can help youth begin to interact with one another and start talking and having fun. These games give that needed push for them to loosen up.
  1. Circle Toss

    • Circle toss is an excellent game for pre-teens and teens. The group forms a circle with several objects that can be thrown. The leader starts the game and throws the object to one of the youth while calling out their name. The person who catches the object immediately throws the object to another person and says their name. This continues until everyone has been named. The leader then takes another object and begins again.

    Telephone Charades

    • The game of telephone charades begins with a clue. Everyone stands in a straight line. The first person acts out the clue to the next person in line. This continues one by one until the last person must try to guess the original clue. This clue usually gets distorted by the time it reaches the last person. This game involves a lot of teamwork.

    Icebreaker Bingo

    • Icebreaker bingo is a game that gets individuals talking to one another. Each person is given a 5-by-5 grid, similar to a bingo game. Each spot will have a characteristic written about someone. For example, the grids can say, "has a blue shirt," " favorite food is pizza," "is from another country" and "likes to play basebal.l. The object of the game is to walk around the room and find someone with a characteristic that is on the grid and mark that spot off the grid. The first person to get 5 spots in a row, horizontally, diagonally or straight up and down wins the game.

    Two Truths and a Lie

    • Two truths and a Lie is a popular game for youth groups. Each person takes turns and tells three things about themselves. Two of the statements should be true and one statement should be a lie. The goal is for everyone else in the group to guess the lie. The lie can be a serious statement and hard to guess, or it can be funny and easy to pick out. An example of an easy lie would be to tell that Mickey Mouse is your twin. A hard lie might be telling the group you love apple pie when in fact you hate it. Unless someone knows that person, it would be hard to guess the hard lie. © HT Games