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Fun Adult Party Games to Play

Add some fun games to the next party you host for your adult friends. Games played with adults can be silly or goofy, and are structured differently than games that include children. By pairing up your guests, they have opportunities to meet new people and feel silly together.
  1. Adult Shave

    • If you are looking for a game that will break the ice with the guests and get the fun started, try our version of an adult shaving game. Pair up all your guests, preferably in team of one woman and one man. Have the man sit in a chair with a bib or towel around his neck. The woman is then blindfolded and given shaving cream to apply to her man's face for his shave. After the shaving cream is applied, the woman is asked to shave the man using a plastic spoon to remove the shaving cream. A judge will come around and judge the accuracy of their shaving technique and declare the winner. The woman who is able to remove the most shaving cream with her spoon wins.

    Belt Game

    • Attaching two belts together to form one big belt (belted), have each couple stand in the middle of their belt. Each couple should stand back-to-back. When the game begins, each couple must figure out a way to get the belt over their heads without using their hands or arms. The first couple that is successful in getting their belts over their head wins. If the players have trouble, change the rules as the game continues to allow them to use one arm, or one hand to help them move through this game faster.


    • If you want to have some fun with your guests, try using Hula-hoops. Hold your first contest to see which guest can keep her Hula-hoop going the longest by moving her hips back and forth. Tell everyone to start practicing with the Hula-hoop. Play music while the players are using the Hula-hoop, once you stop the music, the players must continue to Hula-hoop as long as they can until the hoops fall to the ground. Whoever can keep her hoop moving the longest after the music stops, wins.

      Using the same hula-hoops, have each guest take a turn seeing how far she can throw the Hula-hoop. The guest who throws the hoop the longest distance wins. Place household items in your yard and see which player can use his hoop to circle the most items by tossing three hoops. Assign a point value to each item. The player who accumulates the most points wins. © HT Games