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Christian Youth Meeting Group Activities

Christian youth group activities ideally include elements that make them fun as well as edifying. Good games help build a sense of camaraderie and create memories that will last long past the end of the evening. Don't get stuck in a rut. Incorporate a variety of activities that will appeal the variety of interests in a group.
  1. Zigzag Circle

    • Zigzag Circle is a trust-building activity for groups of ten or more. Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands tightly. Feet must remain on the ground without moving. Every other person leans backward while every other person in the circle leans forward. Then all players switch directions. This could be a good lead-in to a trust-related discussion or message.

    Banana Pass Relay

    • This relay is a good outdoor activity because it is likely to get at least a little messy. Teams of seven to ten people each form a line. Then all players on a team lie down head to foot about two feet apart in a straight line. Set a banana near the feet of the first player on each team. When the leader gives a signal, the first person grabs the banana using only feet and passes overhead to the next person in the row. The next person receives the banana and passes it down the line, again only touching it with feet. The last person in the line must peel the banana, eat it and run to the starting line. The first team to finish wins.

    Human Knot

    • Have teens form groups of ten for this activity. Each group stands in a circle and everyone puts his or her left hand in the center and grasps the hand of someone on the other side of the circle. Then everyone puts his or her right hand in and takes hold of a different person's hand. Players need to grasp the hands of two different people, neither of which is standing right next to them. Without letting go of hands, the group must untangle themselves to form a circle. If anyone in the group lets go, the group must start over from the beginning. Effective teams use problem solving and communication skills to accomplish the task.

    Miniature Bowling

    • For a tiny version of bowling without a trip to a bowling alley, find six push pins and one small marble for each group of four. Have each group set up the pushpins on a flat surface in a triangle formation, with the pointed end of the pins in the air. Players take turns rolling the marble to see how many pins they can knock down.

    Horse With Blinkers

    • Pairs complete this obstacle course, one acting as the horse and the other as the rider. Set up two similar obstacle courses using cardboard boxes, wooden blocks, soda bottles or plastic cones. Blindfold two horses, the ones who will crawl through the obstacle course, and ask their partners to sit on them. The rider is not allowed to talk, but must use thigh pressure to direct the horse through the obstacle course. After one pair makes it through the obstacle course successfully, fix the obstacle course as needed and allow two other horses with riders to give it a try. © HT Games