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Fun Drama Games to Play

A drama game or warm-up can instantly help actors feel creative before they have to take the stage. Improvisational actors in particular gain a lot from such exercises, as the games help to keep them on their toes and ready for anything.
  1. Simple Piece of Fabric

    • Find a piece of fabric and assemble your group into a circle. The first person to hold the piece of fabric must come up with something that the fabric can be other than what it is and demonstrate what it is by using body language. For example, turn the piece of fabric into a Superman cape by tying it around your neck and letting it cascade down your back. Then pass it to the next person. The process continues until everyone has had at least one turn. Make the game more challenging by limiting the things the fabric can become; for instance, it can only be a type of clothing.

    10-Second Objects

    • Divide into groups of four to six people. Call out names of objects. The group works together to contort their bodies to make the shape of that object. Each group has 10 seconds to figure out and form their shapes.

    The Big Chief

    • Assemble your group into a circle, then pick one person who must leave the area so he or she cannot hear what's being said. Pick another person to become "The Big Chief." That person will come up with movements the rest of the group will mimic. As soon as The Big Chief starts making a motion, the others in the group must copy the movement. The person who left can now come back and try to figure out who The Big Chief is. © HT Games