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Ideas for Activity Scavenger Hunt

Create fun and exciting scavenger hunts for kids, teens and adults with some creativity and basic materials. Scavenger hunts are a great activity for a special event such as birthday party or holiday celebration. A good scavenger hunt gets everyone involved, allowing all ages of participants to have a successful time enjoying a scavenger hunt activity. Creating clues that encourage participants to hunt for treasures both physically and mentally truly appeals to the sense of adventure and discovery involved with a scavenger hunt.
  1. About a Special Person Scavenger Hunt

    • Create a scavenger hunt based on a special person for a birthday party or event. The scavenger hunt will be based on the person̵7;s daily habits and favorite things. Write clues for the scavenger hunt such as finding the person̵7;s favorite breakfast cereal, special toy or spot they like to sit while watching television. Along with clues, award points to clues. Additional riddles can be created about the person that when solved lead to other items about the special person. Write out a scavenger hunt list for guests to use on the scavenger hunt. Make an answer sheet to use when checking finished lists.
      When guests arrive for the special party, hand out scavenger hunt lists and have guests begin searching for the clues. The guest that solves all the clues first wins a special prize.

    Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

    • Create an outdoors scavenger hunt. Set boundaries for the hunt making sure they are clear to all participating in the hunt. Create a list of items found in the outdoor area where the scavenger hunt will take place and award a point to each item. The easiest items, such as finding a stick, should be awarded lower points and more challenging items, such as a soda can or bottle top higher points. Provide each participant with a list and a pencil. When a player finds an item on the list, they will mark it off and write or draw where they found the item. When a player finds all the items on the outdoors scavenger hunt, they win a prize.

    Treasure Hunt

    • Make a true treasure hunt by creating a treasure bag full of prizes and hiding it somewhere within a play area for the treasure hunt, such as a back yard. Create a treasure map with clues for participants to use in searching out the treasure. Use creative language when writing clues to encourage players to think differently and look at everyday items in a new way. For instance, a tree might be referred to as a house for birds.
      Pass out treasure hunt maps and clues to players. The player that finds the treasure first gets to enjoy all the treasure in the bag. © HT Games