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Beach Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Both children and adults enjoy scavenger hunts. These games involve either a group of teams or individuals searching for specific items on a list within a time limit. The list of items must be easily acquired objects. When bringing back the actual object is not an option, searchers can use a camera to photograph the objects instead. If you're planning a day at the beach, consider having a scavenger hunt. With the myriad of objects found on a beach, one could potentially search for several hours with a long enough list.
  1. Create Your Own Board Game

    • This option for a beach scavenger hunt could be great for parents who'd prefer to lounge in the sun while the kids run around. Write the names of individual objects on note cards. Draw a game board with a path on it, made up of individual squares. Make as many squares as there are items on your note cards. If you don't want to make your own, you can use the board from another game. Have each participant find a rock or shell on the beach to use as their game piece. Place the pieces at the starting point and turn one card over. Set a timer or stopwatch for two minutes. Whoever returns with the object in the allotted time gets to advance one space ahead on the board. Continue playing until you have a winner.

    Photography-Based Scavenger Hunt

    • Holding a photography-based beach scavenger hunt can be enjoyable for older children, teens and adults. In addition to being a fun game, players will likely end up with some beautiful photographs as well. Make a list of things commonly seen on the beach. Assign a point value for each item, with the hardest item to find being worth more points. Send each person or team out with their cameras and arrange on a meeting time and place. For each minute someone is late returning to the site, deduct one point. Once everyone has returned with their photographs, share them with each other as you add up the points. You'll likely have some stories to tell along with the pictures.

    Color- or Object-Themed Scavenger Hunt

    • For an interesting twist on a scavenger hunt, instead of using a list of specific items, assign each person or team a color or object class. Pass out a basket to each team and set a time limit of 30 minutes. Whoever returns with the most items in their assigned shape or object class wins. Make sure to only use objects and colors commonly found at the beach. Object ideas include: man-made objects, objects no bigger than a quarter, narrow objects and smooth objects. Color ideas include: beige, white, blue, green or black. © HT Games