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How to Play the Repeat Game

The Repeat Game, also known as Telephone, Chinese Whispers and Gossip, is a traditional children's game played by multiple players. The object of the game is to start with one phrase, sentence or secret and then see how drastically the message changes by the end of the game. It is an entertaining game that has no winners in the outcome. Instead, players gain enjoyment from comparing differences in the the messages they exchanged.


    • 1

      Arrange all of the players of the Repeat Game in a line. They can be sitting or standing. A single-file line is necessary to keep the game flowing smoothly.

    • 2

      Start the game by whispering a sentence into the ear of the first person in the line. Choose something simple. For example, whisper into the person's ear, "I like fried rice." You cannot repeat the sentence to the person, and she cannot ask you to say it again.

    • 3

      Instruct the person to whisper exactly what she heard into the ear of the person seated directly next to her.

    • 4

      Instruct each player in the line to follow the same actions until the final person has heard the message.

    • 5

      Ask the last person in the line exactly what he heard. More often than not in the Repeat Game, the end message will differ greatly from the original message. Have everyone compare the messages they heard, and play the game again with a longer and more complex message. © HT Games