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Free Mind Building Games for Seniors

If you are a senior citizen, mind-building games help you stave off memory loss, keep you in a good mood, prevent you from being lonely and many mind games improve your vocabulary. Almost any game helps you as a senior keep your mind active. Sometimes preparing to play a mind-building game is like a game itself.
  1. Play Card Games

    • A deck of cards does not cost much money. If you cannot afford to buy a deck of cards, someone may donate a deck to you, or you can go to your local senior center and use their cards. You could make your own deck of cards using a cardboard box or paper.

      Playing strategy games like Gin, Uno, Skipboo, or Rummy will keep your mind active and increase socialization with the person you are playing with. Even playing games like solitaire help build your mind.

    Play Memory Games

    • You can use your deck of cards here. Lay out two of each number face down. See how many matches you can make. You can add or subtract cards if you want to increase or decrease the difficulty of the game.

      Go to the library to get brain teaser, trivia or brain puzzle books. If you see something you like, copy the page. Hand copy it if you cannot afford to pay the copying fee.

      Most librarians will get books you request at other libraries for you. Almost all libraries have computers you can use for free. You can go online, play online games or print puzzles to solve at home.

    Play Board Games

    • Again you will have to visit your local senior center because most board games are made for two or more players. There may be a game club in your area looking for members.

      You could also volunteer to play board games with higher-functioning residents at a nursing home or at an assisted living facility. Most places would be glad to have you volunteer. You can use their board games for free. Not only will you be exercising your brain, but you will add a little cheer to someone̵7;s life. Games to play include checkers, chess, connect four and Parcheesi. © HT Games