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How to Beat Someone at Mexican Train Game

Mexican Train is a domino game that can be played by anywhere from two to twelve players and a set of dominoes. Although the rules are relatively simple and easy to learn, as they just involve playing a string of dominoes that match end-to-end, solid Mexican Train strategy can take some time to develop. By taking your time and organizing your hand at the beginning of each round and taking advantage of opportunities to play special dominoes, you can improve your chances of winning Mexican Train.

Things You'll Need

  • Set of dominoes (double-six to double-fifteen, depending on how many players)
  • 1 playing piece for each player (e.g., pennies)
  • 1 unique playing piece to identify the Mexican Train (e.g., a quarter)
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  1. Strategy Before a Mexican Train Round

    • 1

      Know the rules of the Mexican Train dominoes game. These can be found at the reference listed below. There are a number of variations, and players should agree on the rules they will be using before starting the game.

    • 2

      Identify any dead-end dominoes that you are holding after the initial deal. These are dominoes that have a number on one side that is unique in your hand, so you will not be able to play a domino from your hand after it.

    • 3

      Organize the dominoes in your hand, arranging as many of them as possible into a single train, starting with the number corresponding to the round.

    • 4

      Put the dominoes with the highest pip counts toward the beginning of your train if possible. That way you will be able to play them early and rest assured that you will not get stuck with those points at the end of the round.

    • 5

      Keep your dominoes close together while you are organizing them so other players cannot tell how many of them fit into your train and how many are single dominoes.

    Strategy During Mexican Train Gameplay

    • 6

      Pay attention to what trains are available for you to play on during any given turn. Always watch the end of the Mexican Train, in addition to the opponent's trains with markers.

    • 7

      Play any high dead-end tiles on the Mexican Train whenever possible. Because these tiles do not fit into your train, this is the only way to get rid of them.

    • 8

      Avoid playing double tiles in your train unless it is getting close to the end of the round. If you can play a tile on another player's train or the Mexican Train, it forces your opponents to cover the double without disrupting your train. As the end of the round nears, it becomes increasingly unlikely that you will have an opportunity to play the double outside of your own train. © HT Games