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Fashion Makeover Games for Kids

A fashion makeover can be anything that gives someone a new style--a hairdo, clothing, accessories, make-up or nail polish. Kids usually enjoy giving themselves and each other makeovers by dressing up and playing with make-up. Such play allows them to pretend and express their creativity through fashion. Clothing, make-up and accessories from your home can be used to create makeover games.
  1. Manicure Race

    • Put a set of 10 fake nails with adhesive backing per child in a box of sand (leave the backing on). Each set of nails should be a different color, and each child should be assigned a specific color to look for. Have the children begin searching for the nails at the same time. When a child finds a nail in her color, she must stop searching and apply the nail to her finger. After the nail is secure, she may resume searching for nails. This must be done for all 10 nails. If a fake nail falls off in the sand while she is searching for more nails, the child must put the nail back on before continuing to search more. The first child to have an entire set of nails on her fingers wins.

    Makeover Race

    • Divide the children into two teams, position them at a starting line and give each team a pile of clothing. Do not determine the clothing for the team based on gender. The clothing used for this game does not have to be a matching outfit; an outfit could consist of men's pants with a woman's shirt. One child from each team will put on the outfit provided for his team over his own clothes. The child will then run to the make-up station, positioned about 10 yards from the starting line. Have an assortment of make-up such as eye shadow, blush and lipstick, that the child must apply without using a mirror. After he has applied the make-up, he must run back to the starting line and remove the team's outfit so that the next child can put it on and repeat the process. All members of the team must dress up and apply the make-up, and the team whose members complete the relay first wins.

    Silly Fashion Show

    • Fashion shows are usually dramatic events to introduce current styles. Create a twist for children by having them put together silly outfits for a humorous fashion show. Divide the children into pairs. One child must dress and do the make-up for the other child--the sillier the better. Provide an assortment of clothing and accessories for the children to choose from. Vintage or retro clothing is fun for children, as they'll enjoy dressing up in clothing that is different from the current trends. For older children, you can also provide fabric with safety pins so that they can create some of their own looks. Create a runway for the children to walk down to show off their new looks. As one child is modeling her silly look, have the child who did the makeover explain what she did. © HT Games