Preparing the Tables
Preparing for a traditional game of Bunco means setting up three tables with four seats at each table. Label each of the tables with a place card in the center of the table labeled either "high," " middle" or "low," and place three dice in the center of the table. Place four Bunco scorecards at each of the tables with the numbers 1 through 4 written on the back of the scorecards. This will help the players determine which seat to sit at to start the game. Label each of the seats with the numbers 1 through 4 at each table.
Starting Bunco
Ask your guests to choose a table to start at. Table assignments are random for the start of Bunco, as guests will change seats and tables during the game. Ask each guest to pick up a score card at his table, and to sit in the seat number on the back of the score card. The players sitting across from each other are teammates to start the game.
Rolling the Dice
Place a bell at the table that is labeled as the high table. Have one player ring the bell to start the first round. Players then take turns in clockwise order around the table rolling the dice. A player scores points any time he rolls the number of the round on one of the dice. If she rolls it on two of the dice on a single turn, she scores two points. Three of a kind is treated specially, depending on the number rolled. If three of a kind of any number is rolled other than the number of the current round, the roller scores five points. If three of a kind is scored and the number is the same as the current round, the roller receives 21 points. The roller also places a check mark next to the Buncos category on her score sheet. Points during the game are accumulated as a team, but when a player rolls a Bunco, only the roller gets to place a check mark on his score sheet.
Ending the Round
A round of Bunco ends when one team at the high table scores 21 points. Teams at the other teams might have more than or less than 21 points when the round ends. The team that scores 21 at the high table rings the bell to end the round. At that time, the winning team and losing team at each table is determined. Both players on the team with the higher score at the table place a "W" next to that round's number on their score sheet to indicate a win. The others place an "L" on their score sheet next to the round number.
Switching Tables
Before the next round begins, three of the teams will switch tables. The winning team from the low tables moves to the middle table, and the winning team from the middle table moves to the high table. The players on the losing team at the high table move to the low table. When arriving at their new table, each player chooses a new teammate at the table.
Winning the Game
Play for a predetermined number of rounds,set by your host. If you are playing more than six rounds, the round number resets to one after the sixth round since there are only six numbers on a die. At the end of the night, all of the players add up their total number of wins and Buncos. Prizes can be awarded to the player with the most wins, the least number of wins, and the most Buncos for the evening.