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How do you play 421 the dice game?

You're probably thinking of the dice game 421, also known as Farkle or 10,000. Here's how you play:

The Goal

The goal of 421 is to be the first player to reach a predetermined score, usually 10,000 points.

The Setup

* Players: 2 or more players

* Dice: 6 standard six-sided dice


1. Roll the Dice: Each player takes a turn rolling all six dice.

2. Scoring Combinations: You score points based on the following combinations:

* Three of a Kind: 3 of the same number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) - 100 points per set.

* Straight: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 - 1500 points.

* Four of a Kind: 4 of the same number - 200 points per set.

* Five of a Kind: 5 of the same number - 300 points per set.

* Six of a Kind: 6 of the same number - 400 points per set.

* Ones: 1 point per die.

* Fives: 5 points per die.

3. Scoring Options:

* Keep Scoring: After a roll, you can choose to keep any scoring dice and roll the remaining dice again.

* Bank Your Points: You can choose to stop rolling and bank your points for the round.

4. Farkle: If you roll and none of your dice form a scoring combination, you "farkle" and lose all points accumulated in that round.

5. Next Player: If you bank your points or farkle, the turn passes to the next player.

Winning the Game

The first player to reach 10,000 points or a predetermined score wins the game.


* Hot Dice: Some versions allow you to "go hot" if you roll all scoring dice. This means you get an additional roll with all six dice without the risk of farkling.

* Bonus Points: Some versions award bonus points for certain combinations or achievements.

Tips for Playing

* Learn the Scoring Combinations: Memorize the scoring combinations to make quick decisions.

* Be Aware of Farkle Risk: Don't get too greedy. Banking points early can help you avoid a devastating farkle.

* Choose Wisely: Decide whether to keep rolling or bank based on your current score and the risk of farkling.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the game. Enjoy playing! © HT Games