Accessing the Fire Temple
The Fire Temple is accessible mid-way during the game after gaining entrance to the Temple of Time and removing the Master Sword from its resting place. After the Master Sword is in your possession, Link will transform from a child to an adult. The Fire Temple is the second temple available after finding the Master Sword and is located at the base of Death Mountain.
Finding the Megaton Hammer
Defeat the flame dancer mini-boss in the dungeon and climb the grating on the wall. Throw a bomb over the ledge at the diamond-shaped object to deactivate the flames in the room and reveal an exit at the top of the grating. Climb the grating to the exit. Locate the semi-circle-shaped room on your temple map after defeating the mini-boss. Enter the semi-circle room and climb the stairs. Hit the switch at the top of the stairs to reveal a thin walkway to a floating center platform with a large treasure chest on it. Quickly run across the walkway and open the chest to obtain the megaton hammer.
Game Shark Codes
Enter the code ̶0;8011A653 0011̶1; to start the game with the megaton hammer. You will not be able to use the hammer until you have found the Master Sword and transformed link into an adult.
Crooked Cartridge Glitch
A glitch exists in the cartridge-based version of the game that allows the player to walk through walls, objects and bypass built-in borders in the game. To use the glitch, push the analog stick forward until Link begins to run at full speed. Once Link has achieved full speed, lift the left-hand side of the cart up slightly. While this glitch is useful for passing barriers in the game, it can potentially damage your game cartridge and the Nintendo 64 console.