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Ocarina of Time Cheats for the Deku Tree

The Deku Tree in "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is the first dungeon in the game, and you'll need to enter and save the Deku Tree from the curse placed on it. In this dungeon, you have Navi the faerie to give you basic advice about controlling Link and fighting enemies. The Deku Tree is a relatively short dungeon and is designed to get you used to the interface of this "Zelda" game. Although there are no actual cheats for the level, there are a few aspects of this dungeon first-time players have problems overcoming.
  1. Enemies

    • The Deku Tree, due to its curse, has been infested with hordes of enemies that stand between you and victory. The main enemies you'll see in this dungeon are keese, skulltulas, Deku babas and deku scrubs. You can usually hear a keese coming by the flapping of its wings; prepare to shoot it with a targeted attack from the faerie slingshot or slice with the Kokiri sword. If you let it get to a torch and fly into you, it will burn up your flimsy Deku shield. Skulltulas are vulnerable to a slingshot pellet or sword strike when their soft underbellies are exposed. Deku babas are easy to avoid, but killing one will usually give you a Deku stick. Meanwhile, the Deku scrubs are vulnerable to their own shots reflected with the Deku shield.

    Burning the Web

    • To get to the lower portions of the Deku Tree and to the boss, you have to break through the cobweb in the center of the main floor. It's too strong to jump through, but you can fall into it with a flaming Deku stick. Deku sticks burn up after a short time, but if you press "A" to put it away it won't burn up. The room with the dungeon map, located on the top floor, has a lit torch and the door-opening switch; light the Deku stick in the torch, press the switch and open the door. Go to the left and you'll see an opening in the wall from which you can jump. A skulltula waits above the ledge and drops down if you approach. As you approach the ledge, throw a Deku nut down to stun the skulltula and clear your way and jump down into the cobweb. You should make it just before the Deku stick burns up.


    • Gohma, a giant armored spider, is the boss of this dungeon and the entity representing the curse on the Deku Tree. Naturally, it's your job to kill her. The fight with Gohma follows the standard "Zelda" formula: stun the boss with the dungeon item and follow up with sword attacks. Target Gohma and keep your distance, firing a slingshot pellet into her eye. Use jump attacks with the Kokiri sword while Gohma is stunned. Defeat the miniature Gohmas she drops by using a spin attack. Repeat this strategy until Gohma is dead; it shouldn't take long.

    General Tips

    • If an area in a dungeon looks impassable, there are two things you need to look for: switches and torches. Go into first-person view with the "C Up" button if you have to. Switches set into the walls respond to a slingshot pellet, while crystal-shaped switches on the ground respond to any impact. The switches set into the ground need to be stepped on; if there's a movable block nearby, you may need to move the block onto the switch to hold it down. If you see any torches, light them. "Zelda" games often have puzzles that involve lighting all the torches in a room to open the door to the next area. © HT Games