HT Games

What Parts Do I Need for an Arcade PCB Board?

A printed circuit board, or PCB, is a type of circuit that comes with in-built conductive pathways. These in-built conductive pathways, typically in the form of copper conductor strips, remove the need for wire, as the pathways conduct the current across the circuit. This makes circuit-building easier. If you want to restore an old arcade game console, or create an emulator circuit that enables you to play arcade-style games at home, you require a variety of parts to complete the integrated circuit.
  1. IC Chips

    • IC chips contain game data codes.

      Integrated circuit, or ̶0;IC̶1; chips contain the processing data required for the game to function. They are ostensibly a circuit within a circuit. The current flows across the circuit board and when it reaches the chip, the circuit is manipulated or directed according to the data stored in the IC chip. Arcade game circuits typically have relatively rudimentary IC chips that contain a limited amount of data.


    • Switches are typically connected to the external console controls. When you execute a command on the console, for example, by hitting the ̶0;Fire̶1; button, the switch directs the current in the circuit to the relevant chip.


    • Resistors govern the flow of current across a circuit. They do this by applying resistance to a current. The resistance applied varies according to the value of a resistor. The role of a resistor in a PCB is to stop excessive currents reaching and damaging crucial components.


    • Diodes are similar, but distinct from resistors. They allow currents to pass unchecked, but only in one direction. This means that they convert alternating current into direct current, an essential part of the power flow process in any circuit. In an arcade PCB, a diode plays a crucial role in directing the flow of current. For example, when you enter a command using the buttons on the console, the diode helps to direct the current to the relevant IC chip. A light-emitting diode, or ̶0;LED̶1; is a type of diode that illuminates when it receives a direct current and converts it into an alternating current. In practical terms, the diode is used as an indicator.


    • Capacitance is integral to the switching function of the game.

      Capacitors are used to control current flow. They block direct current but allow alternating current to pass. Capacitors are also used to store the current that a resistor blocks. When the power from a circuit is shut off, for example when you turn off the arcade, capacitors slowly discharge their stored current.


    • Transistors amplify the current that passes across a circuit. They effectively do the opposite of a resistor. In an arcade PCB, a transistor is a crucial part of the signal process. The commands entered using the keys and joystick are processed by the transistor. © HT Games