HT Games

How Do You Get on Top of the House at Lake Hylia in Ocarina of Time?

The character Link spends many of his adventures exploring the region of Lake Hylia in the game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." Whether rescuing a princess, fishing or learning music, there is plenty to occupy him as a child; as an adult, he will return to free the Water Temple and to seek the old man in the laboratory while building the Biggoron Sword. On the roof of the old man's house lies another prize, a piece of heart, which -- when combined with three other pieces -- increases Link's maximum health.

Things You'll Need

  • Magic bean
  • Master Sword
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    • 1

      Travel to Lake Hylia in Link's child form, the only form that can plant magic beans. If you have already begun the Water Temple, play the "Serenade of Water" on your ocarina to teleport there immediately. The notes of the song are "A," "down-C," "right-C,"right-C," "left-C."

    • 2

      Run to the house at the edge of the lake and locate the patch of arable dirt along its wall.

    • 3

      Stand over it and use a magic bean, which causes Link to plant a seed there.

    • 4

      Go to the Temple of Time and draw the Master Sword from the pedestal to become an adult.

    • 5

      Return to the house in Lake Hylia and step on the large plant that has grown in the time since Link was a child. It will move upward, allowing Link to step off and take the Piece of Heart. © HT Games