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The Cheat for Final Fantasy III on SNES

Developed by Square Enix, "Final Fantasy" is a fantasy role-playing game that originated in 1987 on the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game console. The third game in the series, "Final Fantasy III," was released in 1990 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The game has been recreated and re-released several times, but the older versions remain popular with gamers. There are a few cheats and tips for the third installment that can enhance or simplify the game.
  1. Game Save Cheat

    • Navigate to the Kefka's Tower level and find a save point with one of your groups. Press the scroll button until you have viewed all available groups. Choose a group, then select the "Party" screen and locate the "Save" option. It will remain available after you leave the save point.

    Obtain Items

    • Gain access to the characters Gau, Relm and Strago. Save your game, then form a party containing Gau and Relm and navigate to the area where you found Gau. Allow him to learn a monster's ability and return to your party, then have Relm sketch Gau. Wait for the screen to unfreeze and check your items. Go to the second floor of Relm's house, go to the left corner facing south, then press the "A" button to gain a second memento ring.

    Obtain Relics

    • Locate the room with four tombstones in Darill's Tomb, then go to the room with a blank tombstone in the upper left quadrant. Carve the words "The World is Square," navigate to the basement and walk through the wall to obtain the Exp. Egg and double your experience points after battle. Get the Economizer Relic to pay only one magic point per spell by fighting a Brachiosaur by Gau's father's house, betting a Gem Box at the coliseum and winning the battle or stealing from Apuila while Locke is in your party.

    Obtain Weapons

    • Obtain the Falcon Airship, then go to Narsh and obtain the Cursed Shield from the old man. The shield will turn into the Paladin Shield once you have won 255 battles with it. Obtain Relm, then save your game. Get into battle with a party member with Vanish, and have that party member cast the spell on the last monster to gain multiple weapons. Navigate to the Zozo inn, and set the clock to "6:10:50" and wait for the wall to open to find the chainsaw. © HT Games