HT Games

Cheats for Spirou on the SNES

"Spirou" is a classic game made for the SNES by developers Infogrames in 1996. The player controls a squirrel and a reporter fighting against an evil robot called Cyanidia intent on enslaving the human race. The game is a 2D platform-style game following our protagonists in their quest to save Count Campignac and defeat Cyanidia. There are a few useful cheats available in the game to boost your progress and open up new areas.
  1. Debug Mode

    • This cheat will let you open up the game's Debug mode, allowing you to change aspects of the game usually only open to the game's developers. To access this, enter the following code when you see the Infogrames logo at the opening of the game. Hold each of these buttons down until the code is completely entered, you will hear a noise signifying that it has been done correctly. Press down on the D-pad, L, left on the D-pad, X then A. You can access the new menu by pressing select during game play.

    Unlock Level: The Chase

    • On the main menu, choose the passwords option. You must choose the correct characters in the right order to unlock this level. For this level, select Cyanadia, Fantasio, Count Champignac and finally Spip. This will now unlock this level for you to play at any time.

    Unlock Level: The Swamp

    • To unlock the swamp level, you need to select the Password option from the main menu. Then select the characters in this order: Spip, Count Champignac, then Fantasio. The level will now be open to play at any point.

    Quicker Level Select Cheat

    • To enter the level select cheats, you must scroll through the different characters to organize them in the correct order. The order they are placed in for scrolling is Spirou, Fantasio, Spip, Count Champagnia and finally Cyanidia. Memorizing this order will make entering your level select cheats much faster. © HT Games