HT Games

Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss Cheats

"Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss" is the European region version of what is known in the USA as "Castlevania: Dracula X." It is a classic video game for the Super Nintendo platform. Set in medieval Transylvania, players are charged with battling their way through Count Dracula's castle, fighting undead monsters and ghouls, and ultimately defeating the vampire lord himself.
  1. Level Skip Passwords

    • Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss sports a password feature. By inputting the correct combination of symbols, the game will allow the player to skip to the corresponding level.

      Level 2: Blank, Holy Water, Axe Axe, Axe, Axe Axe, Holy Water, Holy Water

      Level 3: Holy Water, Blank, Blank Axe, Axe, Blank Blank, Holy Water, Holy Water

      For level 4, try either of the following codes: Axe, Axe, Axe Blank, Holy Water, Holy Water Axe, Heart, Heart; or alternatively, Holy Water, Axe, Holy Water, Axe, Blank, Heart, Axe, Blank, Axe.

      To instantly start at level 5, two codes are available: Holy Water, Heart, Fire Fire, Holy Water, Axe Holy Water, Heart, Heart; or alternatively, Axe, Heart, Axe, Axe, Blank, Axe, Heart, Heart, Blank.

      Level 6: Holy Water, Axe, Axe Holy Water, Blank, Holy Water Axe, Holy Water, Blank

      Level 7: Holy Water, Holy Water, Holy Water Axe, Blank, Heart Blank, Blank, Axe

      Level 8 (Final Stage): Heart, Axe, Holy Water Fire, Fire, Fire Axe, Holy Water, Fire

    Key Exploit

    • During the course of the third stage, the player can obtain a key item, which then is placed in the sub-weapon box in the inventory. While never intended to be used as a weapon, a glitch in the programming used to create the item essentially makes it into the highest-damage attack available in the game when used a certain way.

      When you have at least 15 hearts, execute the "ItemCrash" move while standing very close to an enemy. A question mark will appear over the character's head and, if the key makes any contact with the enemy or boss, it will suffer a great deal of damage and no hearts will be consumed.

    Extra Lives

    • For every level you complete without sustaining any damage whatsoever, you will receive one extra life at the stage's end. Merely replenishing your health to full before completing the level is not enough; you must not be hit by an enemy at any time.

    Skip to the Ending

    • To instantly skip to the final stage with the best possible story ending, go to the "Password" screen. Change the bottom right fire symbol into an axe, leave all other symbols as they are, and enter the result as a password code: Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Axe. © HT Games