HT Games

How to Do an Ultra in Killer Instinct

"Killer Instinct" is a classic 2-D fighting game developed by Rare for the Super Nintendo. Players can take part in one-on-one martial-arts battles, choosing to fight as one of 11 characters. In addition to special moves, players can perform "Ultra" combos, which hit the enemy player more then 20 times. "Ultra" combos cause devastating damage, and will elminate the other player. There is one "Ultra" combo per playable character, and it can be performed by pressing a specific button combination for that character.


    • 1

      Damage the enemy player until his health bar is flashing red.

    • 2

      String together two basic attacks against the enemy player and press the "Ultra" combo button combination for that character, as follows.

    • 3

      Press "Back," "Forward" and the right bumper if you are using Chief Thunder. Press "Forward," "Forward" and "X" if using Cinder. Press "Forward," "Down" and "Forward" in a rolling manner, and then press the right bumper if playing as Fulgore. Press "Back," "Forward" and "X" if playing as Glacius. Press "Forward," "Down" and "Backward" in a rolling manner, and then press the left bumper if playing as Jago. Press "Back," "Forward" and "X" if playing as Orchid. Press "Back," "Forward" and the left bumper if playing as Riptor. Press "Forward," "Back" and the left bumper if playing as Saberwulf. Press "Down," "Forward" and "Down" in a rolling manner, and then press "X" if playing as Spinal. Press "Forward," "Back" and "X" if playing as T.J. Combo. © HT Games