HT Games

Shenmue II: How to Win the Duck Race

"Shenmue II" is a classic Japanese roleplaying action adventure released in 2001 by Sega. It tells the story of Ryo, who is trying to find the killer of his father. In the game, there are various side quests, including a duck race in which you can race your own duck against those of your competitors.


    • 1

      Pay the duck race boss $50 to enter the race by selecting "Entry" from the list of options that flashes up on the screen. Wait for the race to start.

    • 2

      Run along controlling your duck by using the right trigger to speed up and the D-pad to move left and right.

    • 3

      Go through the gap on the left side of the oil barrels that appear towards the end of the course.

    • 4

      Go around any ducks as you approach them; hitting them from behind will slow you down.

    • 5

      Win the race to be rewarded with the Big Gold Medal. © HT Games