HT Games

How to Perform Ken's Revenge Moves in Street Fighter 4

"Street Fighter 4" is the continuation of the successful beat 'em up game franchise from Capcom. The game allows you to benefit from being hit by your enemy; each blow fills in a meter at the bottom of the screen. Once filled up enough, it allows you to unleash a devastating "Ultra Move"/"Revenge Move" that can potentially bring down your opponent. One of the characters, Ken, has two special Revenge Moves: the "Shoryureppa" and the more potent "Shinryuuken."


    • 1

      Fill your "Revenge Meter" to at least half way by taking damage from your opponent. Wait for the word "Ultra" to pop up next to the meter.

    • 2

      Keep taking damage to fill your meter up further so your revenge move is more powerful or alternatively activate it straight away. Move down using the D-Pad followed by down/forward (crouch), forward, down, down/forward and forward before pressing R1 on your PS3 controller or the right shoulder button on your Xbox 360 controller. This revenge move is called the "Shoryureppa."

    • 3

      Repeat the movement instructions in Step 2, but finish by pressing all the punch buttons to activate the more powerful "Shinryuuken" move (the square, triangle and R1 buttons on the PS3 and the "X," "Y" and right shoulder buttons on the Xbox 360). © HT Games