HT Games

Lemmings Cheats for SEGA

The puzzle video game "Lemmings" appeared on all three Sega consoles, the Genesis, Game Gear and Master System, in the early 90s. The lemmings are determined to fall to their doom, and the player has to come up with bridges or other ways to stop them. All three games were programmed with a variety of cheats.
  1. Game Gear Level Select

    • The Game Gear version has 30 levels in four difficult settings, and a cheat allows players to jump to any of them. When the Sega logo appears soon after the game is turned on, wait for the lemming to appear, then pull the logo down. Hold the "1" and "2" keys on the Game Gear, then rotate the direction pad three times. The Game Gear will make a short noise to confirm the cheat is enabled. Select "New Level" then navigate left or right to go to any level.

    Master System Level Select

    • The cheat code for the Master System "Lemmings" unlocks all 120 levels. When the Sega logo appears, hold down both buttons on the Master System joypad and repeatedly rotate the direction pad in a clockwise motion. Keep doing this until the game makes a bell noise. Choose the level difficulty, then press "Left" or "Right" on the joypad to choose a level to play.

    Genesis Level Codes

    • The Sega game has 180 levels including 60 that were, at the time of release, exclusive to the Genesis. There is no specific level select cheat for "Lemmings" on the Genesis, but certain codes can unlock some levels. To get the final level of "Mayhem" difficulty, select "Password" on the main menu then enter "XJKSL." To access the final level of "Present" difficulty, enter "FQNGV." Enter "HCNFD" for the final level of the "Sunsoft" setting.

    Other Level Codes

    • The Game Gear and Master System versions share the same level passwords. To play the final level under the "Fun" setting, enter "PFECXODY" at the password screen. To play the last of the "Taxing" level, use "DHODZTHP." Enter "WMZTHPFE" to play the final "Mayhem" levels. © HT Games