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X-Men Children of the Atom Cheats

"X-Men: Children of the Atom" was the first one-on-one beat-'em-up video game to be released featuring characters from Marvel Comics. Originally released as an arcade machine, it came out on the Sega Saturn in 1995 and was later ported to both the PC and PlayStation. The game features heroes and villains from the "X-Men" series such as Wolverine, Storm and Magneto. The game has a number of cheats available across all platforms to make gameplay easier and unlock extra features.
  1. Arcade Cheats

    • Although the game is based upon the X-Men, Akuma from the "Street Fighter" series can be unlocked as a hidden character. To access him, go to the character selection screen and highlight Spiral. Wait two seconds then move the joystick left so Iceman is highlighted instead. Wait another two seconds, then move the joystick right, up, right, right and down in that order. The character of Silver Samurai should now be highlighted. Wait a final two seconds then hold the "High Punch," "Low Kick" and "High Kick" buttons all at the same time. Done correctly this will cause Akuma to replace Silver Samurai on the character select screen.

    PlayStation Cheats

    • To play as Akuma on the PlayStation version of "X-Men: Children of the Atom" go to the character select screen and highlight Spiral. Wait for three seconds, then press "Left," "Left," "Left," "Left," Right," "Up," "Right," "Right" and "Down" on your joypad. Pause for another three seconds, then hold "L1," "R1" and "X" at the same time. The character of Akuma should now replace Silver Samurai on the "Character Select" screen.

    Sega Saturn Akuma Select Cheat

    • To play as Akuma on the Sega Saturn port of "X-Men: Children of the Atom," go to the "Character Select" screen and highlight Spiral. Pause for three seconds then press "Left," "Left," "Left," "Left," "Right," "Up," "Right," "Right" and "Down" on your joypad. Pause for another three seconds then hold "Low Kick," "High Punch" and "High Kick" down at the same time. Akuma should now appear as a selectable character.

    Other Sega Saturn Cheats

    • After entering the cheat to play as Akuma, pressing "Left," "Up," Left" and "Up" on your keypad will allow you to face Juggernaut as an opponent in Versus mode. In the options menu, repeatedly pressing "Up" and "Down" will cause a new option, "Screen Width," to appear. This allows players to alter the width of their screen to give the game a more arcadelike appearance. On the Japanese version of the game, pressing "Start," "A" and "C" at the same time on a controller plugged into Port 2 will bring up a hidden advertisement for "Marvel Super Heroes." © HT Games