HT Games

How to Unlock the Item Road Quest in Normal

Released on the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube in 2005, "Digimon 4" is similar to the Pokemon series. Players fight many monsters and explore dungeons with the aid of a Digimon pet and are able to battle through the game with up to four more players. The game features many quests, and completing them rewards the player with armor, special items and other collectibles. Once a player completes the game, other quests become available, including the Item Road Quest, where you must fight and defeat a boss character.


    • 1

      Complete the game on Normal Mode. Choose "Continue" once the credits have finished.

    • 2

      Go to the north of the Card Keeper. Wait for the elf to tell you about Item Road.

    • 3

      Go to the Terminal Area and proceed to the Machine Pit, which is located in the fourth stage.

    • 4

      Locate the new dungeon that has opened in the Battle Arena. Item Road will now be available to play. © HT Games