Purchase HK-47 from the droid shop on Tatooine. Talk to HK-47 and tell him you are thinking of purchasing him. This will provide you with the opportunity to purchase him at a cheaper cost from the Ithorian shopkeeper.
Talk to HK-47 after purchasing him. Ask about his history and abilities. He will tell you that he can be repaired.
Make certain you have a repair skill of at least 6. If you do not, practice the skill until you do.
Use your repair skill on HK-47. If successful, this first repair will have HK-47 remember some things about his previous owner.
Repair HK-47 again. This second repair will let HK-47 recollect memories of another previous owner.
Repair HK-47 again. This third repair will let him remember another previous owner.
Get your repair skill up to at least 17. Use it to repair HK-47 for a fourth time. This is the final repair. It will allow HK-47 to retain the remainder of his lost memories.