HT Games

Breakout-Type Games

The release of the game "Breakout" in the 1970s by Atari made way for dozens of games using the same idea. "Breakout" consists of a paddle that was user controlled. This paddle can move horizontally on the bottom of the screen. The goal is to bounce a ball off the paddle and into colored blocks without letting it fall past the paddle. Once the ball contacts a block, that block disappears. Clearing all the blocks will advance the stage. There are many games based on this game play; they are referred to as "clones."
  1. Krakout

    • "Krakout" was a "Breakout" clone for the Commodore 64 system. One of the major differences in "Krakout" is vertical paddle movement, instead of horizontal like in "Breakout". Each level contains different arrangements of multicolored blocks, along with pickups. Pickups have positive bonuses such as double paddles. There are enemies that bounce around that will eat the ball if touched.


    • "Arkanoid" was released in 1986 for many home entertainment and computer operating systems. It follows the traditional game play of "Breakout." Multicolored blocks make up designs per level. Some blocks will withstand several hits before being destroyed. Pick ups fall from destroyed blocks and enemies will attack from the top of the screen. Some positive pickups contain bonus points and dual cannons that can destroy blocks. Negative pickups may destroy the paddle.


    • "DX-Ball" was released in 1996 for the PC. It is a freeware game and is still available to download today. "DX-Ball" has traditional layouts and pickups. One specific positive pickup electrifies the paddle, which allows the ball to stick to it and be relaunched. Negative pickups shrink the ball or paddle. There are special blocks that explode and destroy other blocks.


    • "Shatter" was released in 2009 and 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and the PC. Shatter uses vertical paddle movement game play, and the graphics are updated compared to "Breakout." It stays true to classic block-breaking game play, but incorporates more user control of the ball. The paddle has a magnetic field that can push the ball away or pull it towards the paddle. Pickups include point multipliers and extra lives. Blocks marked with a bio-hazard symbol explode upon contact. © HT Games