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How to Complete the Water Temple in Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Entering the Water Temple in "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" requires a little ingenuity. Successfully navigating the temple and completing the tasks associated with it are even more difficult. This is one of the toughest dungeons in this, or any other, Zelda game. There are a lot of repetitive sequences you have to complete and it makes this dungeon very time-consuming.


  1. Entering the Temple and Getting the Map

    • 1

      Leave Zora's Domain after you have thawed King Zora and received the Zora Tunic, following the river to Hyrule field until you reach Lake Hylia. Access the island amid Lake Hylia by crossing the series of bridges. Jump into the water. Open the Water Temple gate by shooting the switch with your hookshot. The switch is shaped like a diamond. Don your iron boots. You will sink. Walk into the Water Temple.

    • 2

      Walk to the center of the temple then head right. Sink using your iron boots. Meet Ruto at the end of the hallway (Ruto's Room). Follow Ruto by removing the iron boots. You will ascend to the third floor of the temple. Ruto will have vanished. Enter the adjacent room. Defeat the four Spikes and open the treasure chest that appears.

    • 3

      Return to the previous room.

    Getting the Three Small Keys

    • 4

      Play Zelda's lullaby to lower the water. Return to Ruto's Room. Light the two unlit torches. Use Din's Fire or use your bow and arrows to shoot the flames from the lit torch in the center of the room to the unlit torches. A small room opens. Enter the small room and defeat the Shell Blades. Another treasure chest appears. Take the Small Key.

    • 5

      Return to the main room of the temple then proceed to the room on your left. Push the red block into the hole in the floor. Use your iron boots to sink to the bottom of the hole. Walk to the other side of the underwater room and remove the boots to rise. Hit the crystal switch and jump onto the pillar of water, then onto the platform. Enter the door. Don your iron boots and jump into the water. Aim to land on the body of the dragon statue in the opposite corner. Shoot your hookshot to hit the crystal switch on the other side of the room in the dragon statue's mouth, then quickly use your hookshot on the wall in the alcove. Run toward the door. Avoid the Shell Blades by removing your boots when you get close to the entrance. At the top you will find another chest. Open it to receive another Small Key.

    • 6

      Engage the crystal switch then return to the room with the water pillar. Kill the Tektite, then shoot an arrow at the crystal switch across the room. Return to the main room of the temple. Enter the locked door in the main room. Cross the room then shoot your hookshot at the target on the wall behind you. Play Zelda's Lullaby and the water level will rise. Climb to the top of one of the two floating platforms. Don your iron boots and carefully drop between the two platforms to sink to the basement. Find the crystal switch and trigger it using your hookshot. A gate will open in the ceiling and enemies will enter Once you have defeated them enter the gate. You will find a with a Small Key. Return to the room with the floating platforms and enter the door using the platforms. Don your iron boots again and sink. Return to Ruto's room and remove your boots to float to the second floor. Use a bomb to open the wall with the cracks. Enter the room and open the chest. You will receive another Small Key. Return to the main room.

    The Waterfall

    • 7

      Use a key to enter the door on the west side of the temple.

    • 8

      Shoot an arrow to trigger the crystal switch across the room to activate another water pillar. Jump onto the pillar. There will be another Triforce symbol in the next room. Play Zelda's Lullaby and the water will return to its original level. Return to the main room and enter the door on the east side. This room will house a gigantic waterfall. Defeat the Keese then make your way to the stationary platform at the bottom.

    • 9

      Shoot your hookshot at the moving platforms and make your way up to room. When you are high enough, shoot your hookshot at the platform in front of the door. Enter the door.

    The Statue Room and Room of Illusions

    • 10

      Defeat the Tektites, then shoot the crystal switch with your hookshot. The water level will rise. Use your hookshot to reach the next platform. Shoot the crystal switch again to lower the water. Use your hookshot to hit the target on the left of the next platform then make your way across the statue's head. Shoot the crystal switch again to raise the water and then use your hookshot to the final platform. Shoot the crystal switch to lower the water. Make your way back to the top of the statue, then shoot the crystal switch again to raise the water level.

    • 11

      Kill the Blue Tektites and the Like Like. Shoot your hookshot at the target on the ceiling to reach the other side of the room. Enter the Room of Illusions.

    • 12

      Walk to the door on the opposite side of the room then turn around. Dark Link will appear.

    • 13

      Defeat Dark Link, then enter the door.

    • 14

      Receive the longshot by opening the chest in the room.

    • 15

      Stand beside the Time Block and play the Song of Time to reach the Raging Water Cavern.

    Raging Water Cavern

    • 16

      Follow the wall on the left side until you pas the first vortex. Don the iron boots and shoot the Gold Skulltula with your longshot. Remove the boots. Keep to the right of this room until you come to a small ledge containing two jars.

    • 17

      Float to the surface and make your way to the small platform across the room. Avoid the raging waters.

    • 18

      Shoot the golden eye switch with your Fairy Bow and enter the door. Open the chest and find another Small Key.

    • 19

      Drop into the dragon statue room and then return to the main room of the temple. Return to Ruto's room and change the water level to the very bottom. Make your way to the center pillar and use your longshot to reach the top. Play Zelda's Lullaby. Return to the main room.

    • 20

      Shoot an arrow at the golden eye switch. The grating will lift. Quickly shoot your Longshot, then follow the corridor to the red block. Push the red block into the hole then get another Small Key from the treasure chest. Return to the main room using your hookshot.

    The Boss Key

    • 21

      Sink to the bottom and enter the north corridor, defeating the two Spikes. Sink again then float to the top. Climb to the ledge and use your longshot on the target on the other side. Enter the door.

    • 22

      Defeat the Blue Tektites then swim along the right side of the room. Enter the door.

    • 23

      Defeat the Stingers then enter the water. Use a bomb to open the two holes in the wall then push and pull the large block until it is on the switch. The water level will rise. Enter the door.

    • 24

      Defeat the Tektites and follow the same procedure as the last room. Sink into the deep water then turn the corner. Defeat the Shell Blade. Float to the top of the water and enter the door. This chest contains the Boss Key.

    • 25

      Return to the main room of the temple.

    Reaching the Boss

    • 26

      Raise the water to the top then use your longshot on the dragon statue. Bottle some fairies and enter the door.

    • 27

      Keep to the left or right side of the room and run to the other side as quickly as you can. Enter the door.

    • 28

      Jump onto a platform to begin the boss battle.

    Finishing the Temple

    • 29

      Defeat Morpha using your longshot and sword.

    • 30

      Collect the heart container and then enter the glowing circle. You will be transported to the Temple of Light and reunited with Ruto.

    • 31

      Receive the Water Medallion. © HT Games