HT Games

Fun School Arcade Games

There are many forms of educational games available for children. Educational games can be found and played online for free. These games are designed to help with the development of skills in math, language, science, geography, history, sports and the arts. There are several websites, like Kaboose, Fun Brain, and Zoodles that provide free, fun, educational arcade games designed for children.
  1. Math Games

    • Math can become fun when children practice their math skills with online arcade games. Games like "Action Fraction," by Kaboose, provides practice with fractions. It is a racing game in which you add speed to your car by answering fraction problems correctly and fast. If you don&'t get the question right, the car stalls, while your opponent moves forward with each question, regardless of how you answer. Another math game, "Bumble Numbers," by Fun Brain, is designed to help kids practice simple equations. The player directs a bee to choose a number to place in a flower. The flower has a math equation, and the number must be the answer to the equation.

    Reading Games

    • Children can work on developing their reading and language skills with games like "Mad Libs." This game requires the player to complete a short story by filling in the blanks of sentences with appropriate nouns, verbs, or adjectives. The website also provides opportunities for reading development with games like "The Big Escape." In this game, players work on their punctuation and grammar as they fix sentences to progress on their journey to find Dr. Know It All.

    Science Games

    • Kaboose provides some fun games tailored toward developing a knowledge of science. One such game, "Animal Homes," targets kids aged 3-5; it asks players to help "critters" find their homes, or "natural habitats." Another game designed for younger minds is "Animal Bingo," by Zoodles. In this game children learn about animals by matching the appropriate animal to its call. © HT Games