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007 Goldeneye Nintendo 64 Cheats

Nintendo's "GoldenEye 007" game paved the way for first-person shooters with its innovative gameplay. The things that have made "GoldenEye 007" so enjoyable are its vast supply of weapons (many of which were inspired by the movie) one could use, karate-chop action, the multiplayer mode, and the ability to use cheats. The cheats added to the game's replayability and made it more fun when playing alone or with friends.
  1. GoldenEye 007

    • Released in August of 1997 for the Nintendo 64 console, and rated Teen for animated blood and violence by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, "GoldenEye 007" allows gamers to play through the events of the movie. "GoldenEye 007" also provides players with cheats to enhance the gameplay, or to just help out when things get a little too difficult. Many of these cheats can help players progress through the game, like providing the use of all the weapons available and offering invincibility. Some cheats are more for fun, like the DK mode cheat, which changes all the characters into big-headed ape-like versions.

    Game Cheats and Unlockables

    • The following cheats can be entered during gameplay. If you find yourself getting killed too much, then push the L button plus Down, R button plus C-Right, R plus C-Up, L plus Right, L plus C-Down, R plus C-Up, L plus Right, R plus Down, L plus Left, L plus R plus C-Right, and you'll be invincible.

      To get all the weapons found in the game, including the ability to duel-wield, push L plus R plus Down, L plus C-Left, L plus C-Right, L plus R plus C-Left, L plus Down, L plus C-Down, R plus C-Left, L plus R plus C-Right, R plus Up, L plus C-Left.

      If you run low on ammo then push L plus R plus C-Right, R plus Up, R plus Down, R plus Down, L plus R plus C-Right, L plus R plus Left, R plus Down, R plus Up, L plus R plus C-Right, R plus Left, and you'll gain the maximum amount of ammo.

      There are also unlockable cheats that you can switch on before you play by choosing them in the Cheat Options menu. To acquire the DK Mode, complete the Runway mission on the Agent difficulty level in under five minutes. To acquire the Paintball Mode, complete the Dam mission on the Secret Agent level in under four minutes. To play as a miniature James Bond, complete the Surface 2 mission on 00 Agent level in under four minutes.

    Mission Cheats

    • Players can also skip ahead to any level by entering in these button combinations at the mission select screen. To play the Control Center mission, push L plus C-Down, R plus Down, L plus Right, R plus C-Right, R plus C-Down, R plus Left, R plus C-Up, R plus Left, L plus R plus C-Up.

      To play the Caverns mission, push L plus Down, R plus C-Down, L plus R plus Up, L plus Right, R plus C-Up, R plus C-Left, R plus Up, L plus C-Left, L plus Up, R plus C-Left.

      To play the final mission, Cradle, push L plus R plus C-Up, L plus Left, R plus Down, L plus Down, L plus C-Up, L plus Down, R plus Right, R plus C-Up, L plus C-Left, R plus Right.

      Use these cheats to help you get through those difficult missions. Or, if you haven't played in a while, dust off the old Nintendo 64, pop in "GoldenEye 007," and play it all over again. © HT Games