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Final Fantasy X Game Cheats

As with most Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy X contains many secret areas and bonuses. Most of the secrets in Final Fantasy X are accessible once you complete about 95 percent of the game. Players at this point in the story gain access to an airship which enables characters to move throughout the world map locations discovered through normal game play. Revisiting some of these areas and replaying them outside of the context of the game's regular plot lines allows players to discover secrets that were previously inaccessible.
  1. Hidden Areas

    • After completing the boss fight at the Zanarkand Ruins, you will gain access to the Airship, which will allow you to choose from any destination previously visited during the game. However, once you choose the Highbridge destination, the storyline continues, and you will no longer be free to explore Spira at your leisure! In addition to choosing from the locations listed in the Airship navigation menu, you can also find hidden locations by moving the cursor to the approximate coordinates of the secret areas and pressing "X" to search the region. The hidden locations are at the following coordinates:

      Baaj Temple: X= 11-16; Y= 57-63
      Sanubia Desert: X=12-16; Y= 41-45
      Besaid Falls: X= 29-32; Y=73-76
      Mi'ihen Ruins: X= 33-36; Y= 55-60
      Battle Site: X= 39-43; Y=56-60
      Omega Ruins: X= 69-75; Y= 33-38

      The Omega Ruins is an extremely challenging area and is a fantastic place to gain experience points and level up your characters quickly.


    • Again, once on board the Airship, go to the "Input" feature in the navigation menu. The following passwords will take you to hidden locations where you can collect powerful secret weapons. However, you will still need to complete several quests in order to activate them.

      Password 1: GODHAND--gain Rikku's legendary weapon from a treasure chest at Mushroom Rock Road.

      Password 2: VICTORIOUS--gain Rikku's legendary armor by climbing a tree branch in Besaid.

      Password 3: MURASAME--gain Auron's legendary armor at the ruins of Besaid.

    Legendary Weapons

    • Each character has a special weapon with extraordinary powers. Each weapon, though, requires that you possess certain items and accomplish certain tasks in order to use them. The items required are necessary for using weapons only. Weapons can be obtained prior to finding the required items but will remain locked until the items are found.

      Character: Tidus
      Weapon Name: Caladbolg
      Items Required: Sun Crest, Sun Sigil
      Tasks: Race and defeat Chocobo trainer in Calm Lands with a time of 0:00

      Character: Yuna
      Weapon Name: Nirvana
      Items Required: Moon Crest, Moon Sigil
      Tasks: Must collect/capture all nine types of fiends found in the Calm Lands then return to Monster Arena and talk to owner. He will produce treasure chest containing Nirvana.

      Character: Auron
      Weapon Name: Masamune
      Items Required: Mars Crest, Mars Sigil
      Tasks: Acquire Rusty Sword, located on Eastern cliff of Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Take Rusty Sword to statue of Lord Mi'ihen on Mushroom Rock Road. Place Rusty Sword before statue to reveal Glyph. Touch Glyph to reveal sword location.

      Character: Wakka
      Weapon Name: World Champion
      Items Required: Jupiter Crest, Jupiter Sigil
      Tasks: Must possess Celestial Mirror. Talk to bartender at Luca Cafe. The Bartender will only surrender World Champion if you have been playing Blitzball frequently throughout the game.

      Character: Kimahri
      Weapon Name: Spirit Lance
      Items Required: Saturn Crest, Saturn Sigil
      Tasks: Must activate all three Qactaur Stones located throughout Thunder Plains. Stand in front of the stones and press square button to activate. Once all three stones are activated, a Qactaur ghost will appear. Follow the ghost to the ruins of a lightning tower and press square button. Lightning should strike the tower and reveal treasure chest.

      Character: Lulu
      Weapon Name: Onion Knight
      Items Required: Venus Crest, Venus Sigil
      Tasks: Return to Baaj Temple and dive underwater. Swim towards temple doors and battle boss Geosgaeno. After boss fight, search the southern portion of the underwater area to find treasure chest.

      Character: Rikku
      Weapon Name: Godhand
      Items Required: Mercury Crest, Mercury Sigil
      Tasks: Input GODHAND password on airship to reveal secret location. Once at the location, travel along the ravine and use Celestial Mirror on the symbol embedded in the rocks.

    Hidden Aeons

    • In addition to the Aeons obtained through game play, there are three additional Aeons that can be acquired.

      1) Yojimbo: Go to Clam Lands. Go to the bridge leading to Mount Gagazet. There is a gorge that runs beneath the bridge. Descend this gorge to find the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. The ghost of a dead summoner will call on Yojimbo. You must defeat Yojimbo and continue to explore the cavern. In the Chamber of the Fayth you can speak to Yojimbo and negotiate a fee for hiring him. For your first bid, offer half his asking price + 1 Gil. He will counter-offer, at which point you should raise your bid by 1 Gil. He will counter-offer again, proposing 205,000 Gil. Offer 200,000 Gil and he should accept. This will hire him for the lowest possible amount. If you triple his asking price at any point in the negotiations, he will give you two Teleport Spheres as well as his services. You will have to pay Yojimbo every time you summon him. The more you offer, the stronger his attacks will be.

      2) Anima: Acquiring Anima takes several steps but is definitely worth the trouble. First, go to Baaj Temple and defeat the boss Geosgaeno. After boss fight, enter the temple and go to the Chamber of the Fayth. There are six statues which can be activated by using various items. You should have five of these already by this point in the game. The last is at the Zanarkand Dome. Return to the Airship and fly to Zanarkand Dome. A new puzzle solution will appear on the floor. Complete the puzzle to discover a Destruction Sphere. Place the Destruction Sphere into the slot to the right of the monitor in the large room and the screen will explode, revealing the Magistral Rod. Return to Baaj Temple. The six statues will activate, allowing you to enter the Chamber of the Fayth. You will have acquired Anima.

      3) The Magnus Sisters: To get the Magnus Sisters, you must already possess all other Aeons, including Yojimbo and Anima. You must also defeat all other Aeons that Belgemine challenges you with. Capture all required fiends from Mount Gagazet. Return to Calm Lands Monster Arena, where the owner should reward you with the Blossom Crown. Go to Remiem Temple and battle Belgemine (the summoner you first met on the Mi'ihen Highroad). Defeat Spathi and receive the Flower Scepter. Use the Blossom Crown and Flower Scepter to unseal the door at the back of the temple. Defeat the Magnus Sisters to acquire them. © HT Games