Wii Ware Games
Wii Ware Games are a collection of games distributed by Nintendo that predominately use the Classic controller. These games can be found on the Wii Shopping Channel under the Wii Ware Games section. The diversity of games range from adventure games such "Final Fantasy" and "World of Goo," to arcade style shoot 'em ups like "Contra Rebirth." Classic puzzle games such as "Tetris" and "Dr. Mario" play perfectly with the Classic controllers. Simulated card games like Solitare, Uno and VIP Blackjack are also available to play with the Classic controllers under the Wii Ware section.
Virtual Console Games
Virtual Console games consist of games that were originally played on past consoles such as the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Commodore 64, TurboGrafx16, NEOGEO and old school coin operated arcade games. These games can be found on the Wii Shopping Channel under the Virtual Console Games section. Considered to be classics by many gamers, Virtual Console games are specifically made to give the player the nostalgic feel of playing in the past which compliments the usage of the Classic Controller. Coin operated classics like Excitebike ,Galaga and Double Dragon allow the player to use the Classic controllers in old school fashion. All the Mario classics such as "Super Mario Brothers 1, 2 & 3" along with "Super Mario Kart" are compatible. Sega Genesis games like "Sonic the Hedgehog" and "Shinobi" utilize the Classic controller in the way the game was intended to be played. Games from TurboGrafx16 like "Cratermaze" and "Shockman," as well as Commodore 64's "California Games" are a few more titles that use the Classic controller under the Virtual Console section.
Best of Both Worlds
Though minimalist and classic gamer enthusiast prefer to utilize the Classic game controller, game manufacturers continue to create titles that allow the use of both the Classic controller and the current Wiimote. The following games allow the player to have the best of both worlds by allowing an option of choosing which controller to use. These games include the newly released "Mario Kart Wii," "Resident Evil 4," "Pro Evolution Soccer 2010" and movie based games such as "G.I. Joe: The RIse of Cobra."