HT Games

Legend of Zelda Strategy Guide on NES

"The Legend of Zelda" for the NES is credited with starting the craze of adventure games and launched a franchise for Nintendo with the popular swordsman, Link, that continues today. This game contains a number of hidden items and underground labyrinths that players will spend hours finding and exploring.
  1. Purchase Items

    • Many of the most important items in this game can be purchased from old men in caves that you will encounter along the way. The blue ring, for example, reduces the damage you take by half, while the candle will allow you to burn enemies or bushes to uncover hidden paths. The currency in this game is rupees, and you will need many to buy some items. (The blue ring costs 250 rupees, for example.)

      The best places to collect rupees are the screens with the jumping spiders in the southeast part of the world. Go from screen to screen defeating these enemies. Many of them will drop blue rupees that are worth five rupees.

    Collect Heart Containers

    • Heart containers are the lifeblood of this game. They expand your life meter and prevent you from dying as easily. You receive a heart container after defeating the boss to each labyrinth, but you can also find more in the main game world. Search everywhere. Burn bushes, bomb rocks and push statues. You will find heart containers in addition to other hidden and useful items necessary to complete the game.

    Solving Labryinths

    • These underground mazes can be tricky to master. You often must find a key to unlock a door to advance or will need to find a secret passage by pushing blocks. If you are stuck, try bombing the walls. This will often open a new path.

    Boss Hints

    • Most bosses have a certain weakness. Gohma is killed by shooting it in the eye with your bow and arrow. Digdogger cannot stand Link's whistle. Dodongo has a weakness for eating bombs. To defeat the final boss, Ganon, you must pierce him with the silver arrow. © HT Games