HT Games

Games for a Super Nintendo Emulator

Super Nintendo Emulators are an excellent way for older gamers to relive their childhoods without having to go on a hunt to find a working Super Nintendo. They are also a great way to allow younger gamers a chance to experience what video games used to be like before the third dimension. You can find and download emulators legally--but you can only legally play ROMs for games that you own the cartridges for.
  1. Super Mario World

    • Super Mario World was the game that was packaged with the Super Nintendo when it was first released in 1991 (1990 in Japan). It is considered by some to be the best entry in the Super Mario franchise.


    • Starfox is more than a great space shooter; it was a milestone for video games. It is widely considered to be the first truly 3D video game ever released on a home console.

    Super Metroid

    • Super Metroid, the SNES sequel/remake to Metroid, has been referred to as the single best SNES game ever released, by such gaming publications as "IGN" and "GameSpot."

    Super Star Wars Trilogy

    • If you are a fan of Star Wars or just enjoy an absurdly difficult video game, the Super Star Wars Trilogy is an excellent time sink for a weekend or two.

    Shaq Fu

    • While the previous games listed are considered to be some of the Super Nintendo's best, Shaq Fu is considered to be far and away the worst. It is worth playing just to say you have experienced it first-hand. © HT Games