HT Games

How to Acquire the Raiden Esper in Final Fantasy 6

The deity Odin makes frequent appearances in the various Final Fantasy games. In Final Fantasy 6 he appears as a petrified Esper who is able to teach the party the use of the "meteor" spell. Like in several other games in the series, the party can find a way to upgrade Odin into a more powerful form, this time into a horseman wielding a massive sword named Raiden.

Things You'll Need

  • Final Fantasy 6 Game (SNES or PS1 Version)
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    • 1

      Progress through the majority of the game until the world of balance is destroyed and changed into the world of ruin. Send the character Celes to find most or all of the other party members and convince them to join the group again.

    • 2

      Locate Figaro castle and have the party trek down to the basement and speak with the engineer who runs the control room. Tell him to move the castle across the desert. The castle will sink under the ground and move along a track to the other side of the country. About half way through the journey, the castle will hit something that wasn't there in the world of light.

    • 3

      Choose the option to stop and explore the underground castle that you've run into. Travel through the castle until the party finds a large stone statue of Odin. Approach the statue and inspect it to receive the Odin Esper.

    • 4

      March 5 spaces south of the throne at the right side of the same room that has the statue of Odin, and then press the same controller button you use to examine objects or initiate conversation. A hidden room will appear off to the side.

    • 5

      Enter the room and find the statue of a queen. Inspect the statue and the Odin Esper will transform into the Raiden Esper. © HT Games