HT Games

Old DBZ javascript like computer RPG game?


// Game Variables

let player = {

name: "Goku",

level: 1,

maxHealth: 100,

currentHealth: 100,

attack: 10,

defense: 5,

ki: 0,

experience: 0,

inventory: [],


let enemies = [

{ name: "Raditz", maxHealth: 150, attack: 15, defense: 8 },

{ name: "Nappa", maxHealth: 200, attack: 20, defense: 12 },

{ name: "Vegeta", maxHealth: 250, attack: 25, defense: 15 },


let currentEnemy = null;

// Game Functions

function startGame() {

console.log("Welcome to the Dragon Ball Z RPG!");

console.log("You are Goku, the Saiyan warrior.");



function chooseAction() {

console.log("\nWhat would you like to do?");

console.log("1. Train");

console.log("2. Fight");

console.log("3. Inventory");

console.log("4. Status");

let choice = prompt("Enter a number: ");

switch (choice) {

case "1":



case "2":



case "3":



case "4":




console.log("Invalid choice.");




function train() {

// Simple training logic

console.log("You train hard, increasing your strength and speed.");


player.attack += 2;

player.defense += 1;

player.maxHealth += 10;

player.currentHealth = player.maxHealth;

console.log(`Level: ${player.level}`);

console.log(`Attack: ${player.attack}`);

console.log(`Defense: ${player.defense}`);

console.log(`Max Health: ${player.maxHealth}`);



function fight() {

if (currentEnemy) {

// Continue fighting existing enemy


} else {

// Choose enemy

console.log("\nChoose your opponent:");

for (let i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {

console.log(`${i + 1}. ${enemies[i].name}`);


let enemyIndex = prompt("Enter a number: ");

currentEnemy = enemies[enemyIndex - 1];

console.log(`You are now facing ${}!`);




function battle() {

while (player.currentHealth > 0 && currentEnemy.maxHealth > 0) {

// Player turn

let playerDamage = calculateDamage(player.attack, currentEnemy.defense);

currentEnemy.maxHealth -= playerDamage;

console.log(`You dealt ${playerDamage} damage to ${}.`);

console.log(`${} has ${currentEnemy.maxHealth} health left.`);

// Enemy turn

if (currentEnemy.maxHealth > 0) {

let enemyDamage = calculateDamage(currentEnemy.attack, player.defense);

player.currentHealth -= enemyDamage;

console.log(`${} dealt ${enemyDamage} damage to you.`);

console.log(`You have ${player.currentHealth} health left.`);



if (player.currentHealth <= 0) {

console.log("You have been defeated! Game Over.");

// Handle game over

} else {

console.log(`You defeated ${}!`);

// Handle victory


currentEnemy = null;



function calculateDamage(attack, defense) {

return Math.max(attack - defense, 1);


function showInventory() {

console.log("\nYour inventory:");

// Display inventory items (future implementation)



function showStatus() {

console.log("\nYour Status:");

console.log(`Level: ${player.level}`);

console.log(`Attack: ${player.attack}`);

console.log(`Defense: ${player.defense}`);

console.log(`Max Health: ${player.maxHealth}`);

console.log(`Current Health: ${player.currentHealth}`);

console.log(`Experience: ${player.experience}`);



// Start the game




* Variables:

* `player`: Stores player information like name, level, stats, and inventory.

* `enemies`: Array of enemy objects, each with their own stats.

* `currentEnemy`: Tracks the currently active enemy.

* Functions:

* `startGame()`: Displays the welcome message and starts the game loop.

* `chooseAction()`: Prompts the player to choose an action.

* `train()`: Simulates training, increasing player stats.

* `fight()`: Handles enemy selection and battle sequence.

* `battle()`: Implements the battle loop, alternating between player and enemy turns.

* `calculateDamage()`: Calculates the damage dealt based on attacker's attack and defender's defense.

* `showInventory()`: Displays the player's inventory (not implemented in this basic example).

* `showStatus()`: Displays the player's current stats.


* Basic mechanics: This is a very simple implementation. It lacks features like:

* Skill trees

* Item use and effects

* Dialogue and story elements

* Visuals and animations

* Saving and loading game progress

* Text-based: The game is text-based, making it less engaging.

* Limited enemy variety: Only a few basic enemies are included.

Possible Enhancements:

* Add more enemies: Include a wider variety of enemies with different abilities and stats.

* Implement skill trees: Allow players to learn new abilities and skills.

* Incorporate item use: Add items with different effects that can be used during battle.

* Develop a story: Create a storyline with dialogue and events.

* Add visuals and animations: Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a visual user interface.

* Save and load game progress: Use local storage or a database to save and load game data.

To make this game more like the old DBZ RPGs, you could:

* Add a turn-based battle system: Where players choose moves from a menu (like "Kamehameha", "Dragon Fist", etc.).

* Include "Ki" mechanics: Allow players to gather Ki to use powerful attacks.

* Implement "Super Saiyan" transformations: Granting temporary stat boosts and special attacks.

* Create a more complex world map: With locations to explore, towns to visit, and events to encounter.

Remember, this is just a basic framework. You can add your creativity and code to build a much richer and engaging DBZ RPG. © HT Games