Create a Pokemon file. When Professor Oak asks what your name is, create a name that has the lowercase letter 'U' in the third, fifth and seventh letter slot. For example, create a name such as "Keutucum."
Travel to Viridian City and talk to the old man who will be pacing. He will ask you if you're in a hurry. Select "No."
Continue to talk to the old man. He will now ask you if you would like to see a demonstration of how to catch a Pokemon. Select "Yes" and watch as he catches a Weedle Pokemon.
Fly immediately to Cinnabar Island and surf along the east coast of the island. Only surf in areas where the water touches the land.
Continue to surf around the east side of the island until a wild Pokemon appears. If done correctly, the wild Pokemon will be a high-level Charizard. Do not catch this Pokemon. Click "Run Away" instead.
Repeat Step 5 until another wild Charizard appears. Throw a master ball at the Pokemon and he will be captured.