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Final Fantasy Tactics and Advanced Gameshark Cheats

In the "Final Fantasy Tactics" series, you command an army of heroes, mages, soldiers, knights, and thieves. The turn-based battles can be short and sweet, but can also prove long and arduous. Gameshark is a legal way to hack into "Final Fantasy Tactics" or "Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced" and bend the programming to perform your will. Two common cheats will help you gain a slight advantage to defeat enemies you can't overcome or allow replaying the game with a "god" army to steamroll every obstacles.
  1. Final Fantasy Tactics: Character Stat Cheats

    • The CT Full character cheats, infinite HP cheats, and infinite mana cheats will make your characters impossible to kill. Each cheat only effects one of your five characters.

      CT FULL CHARACTER 1----801924fc0064

      CT FULL CHARACTER 2----801926bc0064

      CT FULL CHARACTER 3----8019287c0064

      CT FULL CHARACTER 4----80192a3c0064

      CT FULL CHARACTER 5----80192bfc0064

      The infinite HP and mana cheats require two lines of code. Although they don't make your characters deal as much damage as the CT full cheat, they will make them truly invincible.

      INFINITE HP CHARACTER 1----801924f403e7 // 801924f603e7

      INFINITE HP CHARACTER 2----801926b403e7 // 801926b603e7

      INFINITE HP CHARACTER 3----8019287403e7 // 8019287603e7

      INFINITE HP CHARACTER 4----80192a3403e7 // 80192a3603e7

      INFINITE HP CHARACTER 5----80192bf403e7 // 80192bf603e7

      INFINITE MP CHARACTER 1----801924f803e7 // 801924fa03e7

      INFINITE MP CHARACTER 2----801926b803e7 // 801926ba03e7

      INFINITE MP CHARACTER 3----8019287803e7 // 8019287a03e7

      INFINITE MP CHARACTER 4----80192a3803e7 // 80192a3a03e7

      INFINITE MP CHARACTER 5----80192bf803e7 // 80192bfa03e7

    Final Fantasy Tactics: Other Cheats

    • Ever wanted to buy that supreme sword but not had the cash for it? If you're having trouble defeating a tough boss, the infinite gil cheat lets you get an edge without making your team absurdly powerful.

      INFINITE GIL----800577ce0fff

      If you want to avoid spending hours manually leveling up your team, try the following five-line cheat to expedite the process.

      QUICK LEVEL UP IN BATTLE----801924ec63ff // 801926ac63ff // 8019286c63ff // 80192a2c63ff // 80192bec63ff

      By consulting a complete Gameshark guide, like the one at, you can use more complex cheats allowing you to modify character classes.

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced: Hero Cheats

    • Want to boost your hero? In "Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced," you can use cheats to maximize a specific statistic of choice on your hero.

      MAX HP----6D9304A8 EA65A137

      MAX MP----B7A2F308 8FED41F5

      MAX ATK----81896D8C 0E6A9641

      MAX DEF----CFFFFA54 E4B44369 - Max Def

      MAX MAGIC----25951A24 700B3CC1 - Max Magic

      MAX MAGIC DEF----E5371E6A CBDD640D - Max Magic Def

      MAX SPEED----246D67A5 0BB62FB6 - Max Speed

      MAX JP----08CC7EC3 88E0AB87 - 99 JP

      If you're racking up the cards in battle, the following cheats allow you to save your hero from infractions.

      REMOVE RED CARDS----DF6B8F86 10AC5192

      REMOVE YELLOW CARDS----E090637D 5157C565

      If maximum statistics aren't cutting it, trying taking it to the next level: infinite.

      INFINITE HP----D0D63EAA FD4C724B

      INFINITE MP----2E36CA0F FD9DBA83

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced: Shop Cheats and Item Cheats

    • It can be challenging for a wandering army to always have the right items on hand. If you want to gain access to a specific shop, this set of cheats will take you there.

      ITEM SHOP----ACTIVATE: SELECT, RIGHT // C4521034F183 // B9F9AA8EAE7F


      MONSTER BANK----ACTIVATE: SELECT, LEFT // C4521034F183 // 31F9EC8EAE5F

      If access to the shops isn't enough and you would prefer to have every game item in your inventory, then use this four-line cheat.

      ALL ITEMS----DA8EF3992FE3 // D0DDF9EB0D6E // 9A4EFBBB044B // F0DDF9EF0D7C © HT Games