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Tips & Tricks for Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Duel Stories

In "Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories," several passwords and techniques can multiply a player's success. Side characters can be triggered to repeatedly give away bonus items, while passwords can be used to expand your in-game card collection. Some tricks for "Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories" only need to be performed once for the entirety of the game.
  1. Passwords

    • Every Duel Masters card has a small eight-digit password underneath and to the left of the photo. Record these cards into your game card collection by entering the password of the desired card at the "Password" tab from the main menu. There is no limit to how many cards you can add to your deck this way, though each code can only be entered once.

    Bonus Items

    • An important source of bonus cards in "Yu Gi Oh: Dark Duel Stories" is through Yugi's grandpa. To receive a card in addition to the normal battle prizes, enter "65437205" as a password and save your game. Every time you defeat a duelist, Yugi's grandpa will hand you a powerful Magic, Trap or Monster card.

    Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

    • To unlock the second most powerful card in the game, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, collect three Blue Eyes White Dragons. Put these three cards into your deck, then start a battle. In battle, put all three on the field, then sacrifice them. The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon should automatically appear.

    Cocoon of Evolution

    • If you are unable to use Great Moth or Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, play the cocoon of Evolution in "DEF" mode. The Cocoon of Evolution should evolve to the Great Moth at the beginning of your next turn. If you keep the Great Moth in play, it then evolves into the Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth at the beginning of your next turn. At this point, use a Forest of the Field card to increase the ATK points, by 500. Do not use this approach if your opponent is using a Pyrotype monster. © HT Games