HT Games

Robopon 2: Cross Cheats

"Robopon 2: Cross Version" is one of two sequels released in 2002 for "Robopon." The "Robopon" series of role-playing video games closely resembles the "Pokemon" video game series, since a player must collect, train and battle strange creatures to complete the game. "Robopon 2: Cross Version" is available for the Game Boy Advance and has a variety of cheats.
  1. Unlock Robopon

    • Leave space in your Robopon party for one Robopon. Go into Marvel Lab and walk toward the building in front of you. Head around to the left side of the building, and you will encounter a dog. Talk to this dog, and it will ask you for a password; nine passwords are available that unlock different Robopon and add them to your party. Enter "L" for Under, "P" for Fencer, "R" for Sherry, "9" for Negapon, "D" for Icarun, "J" for Gundarn, "S" for Flicker, "H" for B-Cell and "Rvnge" for Dorapon.

    Sun and Moon Battery

    • Look inside the houses at the beginning of the game until you find a dog that gives you an ion battery. Talk to Nick to get the Secret Cave key, and then return to the house that you started in. Head left to the previously locked door, which will open for you. Walk up, turn right at the first opportunity and finally go down until you see and pick up the moon battery. For the hidden battery, go up as you enter the house until you appear to be at a dead end. Walk into different parts of the wall on the right side until you find the secret passage and pass through into a secret room. Pick up the sun battery from the chest.

    Infinite Mushrooms

    • If you collect a mushroom, exit the room you are in. Send the mushroom to the warehouse, and then return to the room you just left. Another mushroom will have replaced the one that you picked up. You can perform this cheat as many times as you like for an endless supply of mushrooms.


    • Walk behind the training spot in Playland and talk to the man there. Now head to the place where Ms. Rocket is and pay this man money build a spaceship. Don't give up if the spaceship doesn't work the first time -- it takes around 10 attempts to get it working. © HT Games