Money for Nothing
If you've done some part-time work, talk to the woman at the Farmer's Union in the "Part Time" work section. Say no to all the jobs you are offered, but say yes to catching the River King. You have 120 days to complete the task, but you can get paid for it right away -- without doing the job. Call the Farmer's Union when you get back to the farm and tell them you've caught the River King. They will send you $72,000. This fee is higher than normal because you get a bonus for carrying out the task 120 days early.
Stock Up On Fruits and Vegetables
Collect all of the fruits and vegetables from the grassland. Leave the area and immediately return. Everything that you just picked up will reappear. Collect it all again, and keep repeating this process until your inventory is full.
Fishing Pole
Talk to the fisherman and become his friend. Say yes when he asks to borrow your hammer. Go back and see him after a week and he will give you your hammer back. He will also give you a fishing pole as a thank you.
Power Berry
Once the volcano erupts, head into the mountain and walk towards the two pillars on the right-hand side. Go through the pillars and keep walking right as far as you can. Then, walk up until you reach a Harvest Sprite. If you talk to him, he will give you a Power Berry.
Other Tips
Walk towards the fireplace when you first start the game. If you press "A" when standing next to it, you'll collect some hidden money. For an extremely short game, begin a new game as the boy character. Answer no to everything the mayor says to you as he tries to recruit you to help with the farm. The farm will close down immediately, and the game will end. Go to the cliffs on Day 3 of Summer and you will see fireworks. Head to the forest lake on Day 24 of Fall and the water will be red.