HT Games

Game Shark Cheats for Pokemon Silver

You can use your GameShark device for the Game Boy Color to input a variety of cheat codes for ̶0;Pokemon Silver Version.̶1; These codes hack into the game̵7;s programming to enable special abilities, change settings and otherwise make the game much easier if you̵7;re having a hard time. You can use these cheats to access rare Pokemon and items or simply to break the game̵7;s rules a bit.
  1. Cheats to Obtain Pokemon

    • Use the code ̶0;010116d1̶1; to enable stealing another trainer̵7;s Pokemon. Weaken the trainer̵7;s Pokemon, and then throw a Poke Ball as normal to capture the trainer̵7;s Pokemon. Use the code ̶0;017ff5D9̶1; to make any Pokemon breed. Normally, legendary Pokemon such as Lugia cannot breed, but with this cheat you̵7;ll be able to breed them and have a potentially unlimited number of legendary Pokemon. Use the code ̶0;0100bad7̶1; to obtain all three starter Pokemon, Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile, from Professor Elm at the beginning of the game. Use the code ̶0;010719d1̶1; to make all wild Pokemon shiny (alternate color scheme). The code ̶0;01xxedd0̶1; lets you capture any Pokemon in the wild, when you fill in the ̶0;xx̶1; with the corresponding code from the list under Resources.

    General Cheats

    • Use the code ̶0;019973d5 019974d5 019975d5̶1; for an unlimited supply of money. The code ̶0;0100add7̶1; will ensure that any enemy Pokemon you battle, wild or trained, will be asleep and poisoned. ̶0;01ff2ed0̶1; gives your Pokemon unlimited hit points. ̶0;016332da 016333da 016334da̶1; maxes out the experience points for all of your Pokemon. ̶0;01ff7cd5̶1; instantly gives you all eight badges, meaning you can train Pokemon of any level, use all HM moves outside of battle and challenge the elite four. The code ̶0;010182d6̶1; lets you ride your bike everywhere, even in places where it̵7;s normally not allowed, such as indoors. ̶0;0100fcd0̶1; sets all Pokemon you encounter at level zero. The code ̶0;01ff49da 01ff79da 01ffa9da 01ffd9da 01ff09db 01ff39db̶1; sets all of your Pokemon at the maximum level (100). ̶0;01000bd2̶1; disables random battles.

    Item Cheats

    • Use the code ̶0;0101f0d5̶1; to enable purchasing Master Balls from any Poke Mart for free. Use the code ̶0;0120f0d5̶1; for an unlimited supply of rare candy items. ̶0;0163b9d5 0163bbd5 0163bdd5 0163bfd5 0163c1d5 0163c3d5 0163c5d5 0163c7d5 0163c9d5 0163cbd5 0163cdd5 0163cfd5̶1; gives you every item in the game and maxes them out at 99. © HT Games