HT Games

Around the World in 80 Days Game Cheats

In the popular puzzle game "Around the World in 80 Days" for the Game Boy Advance, you must help Phileas Fogg and Passepartout circumnavigate the globe as quickly as possible. While the task can be tough, if you enter a few cheats you'll be home in no time.
  1. Cheat Codes

    • Go to the start menu and enter the code or codes you want into the password area. The codes are designed to move you past some cities and start your adventures at a later point of your journey.

      To start on Day 1 in London, enter "BHGG." To skip ahead to Day 3 in Paris, enter "CLGG." If you want to jump on the train ahead of your scheduled Day 18 departure, enter "DCHJ." Day 20 in Turkey can be jumped to by entering "FSHJ," and you can get to Day 25 in India with the code "GKMN." You can be in China for Day 40 by entering "JMBJ." Day 61 can be a busy one: You can be in San Francisco with "KNQN," the Wild West with "LPGG" or on the train to New York with "MQGG." You can face your Old Foe toward the end of the game with "NRGG," or get straight to the final sequence with "PSGG." © HT Games