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How to Make a Strong Deck in the Sacred Cards

"The Scared Cards" is a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" video game for the GameBoy Advanced. Players can purchase cards, defeat enemies to gain experience and wager rare cards to gain extra rewards for their efforts. Each card has a cost requirement to place in your deck. The more experienced you are the greater cost your deck can support. This makes it so players can not stack their deck with all very strong cards, making for more strategic gameplay.


    • 1

      Begin playing "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards" with the start cards you have available. You will gain experience, increasing your dueling level, as well as money.

    • 2

      Travel to the shop in town and speak with the shop owner. Choose the option "Buy" to see his selection of cards.

    • 3

      Purchase level four monster cards that have around 1,400 attack power or higher. These type of cards are expensive to place in your deck, but worth it since they are easy to summon and are very strong.

    • 4

      Place an ante or bet before a battle begins. You must choose a card to bet with, the rarer your card the greater the reward. The card must be in your case, not your deck. Win the match and you will receive one of your opponent's cards.

    • 5

      Place a healthy mix of monster, spell and trap cards in your deck. Your deck must have 40 in it, no more or less. About half the deck should consist of monster cards, the other half can be a mix of spell and trap cards you desire. © HT Games