Capture a Relicanth. Relicath swim the ocean floor along Route 124 and Route 126.
Catch a Wailord. Surf along Route 129 for a chance to meet a wild Wailord, or raise a Wailmer to Level 40 and it will evolve into Wailord.
Surf the currents along Route 134 and ride them to an island located on the southwest portion of the route. Look for a dark-colored section of the water in the island's lagoon and have a Pokemon use the move "Dive."
Follow the underwater path and return to the surface when you reach the tablet covered in inscriptions.
Read the tablet in the room you surfaced in and then have a Pokemon use the move "Dig."
Place Relicanth in the first position of your Pokemon party and Wailord in the sixth slot. Face the tablet in the room you have dug into and press "A" to open the Sealed Chamber, making Regirock, Regice and Registeel available in the wild.