Follow the path on your Town Map found under the "Items" menu, and head to Lilycove City. Surf from Lilycove in a south-easterly direction until you reach Sootopolis. Enter the Cave of Origin through the hole in the mountain-face along the north of the city. The interior of the cave is pitch-black, so ensure your party includes a Pokemon that knows the move Flash, which will enable you to light up your surroundings and navigate the cave unobstructed by darkness.
Follow the path through the cave, and you will see a Poke Ball lying in plain sight on the floor in front of you. Walk up to it and press the "A" button to collect HM 07 Waterfall and add it to your inventory.
Continue through the cave until you reach the final chamber. Here you will fight the legendary Pokemon Groudon. Either defeat or capture Groudon to gain access to the Sootopolis Gym.
Enter the Sootopolis Gym and defeat the trainers. Battle the Gym Leader Wallace. He specializes in Water-type Pokemon, so use Grass-type and Electric-type Pokemon to deal heavy damage and win the battle with ease. Once you claim the Rain Badge as your reward, you will be able to use HM 07 Waterfall outside of battle to scale waterfalls.