Roam the Pokemon world in search of random encounters. Grassy fields are common hiding spots for Pokemon. Defeating a wild Pokemon enemy awards the victor experience points, and influences a Pokemon's statistics.
Train weak Pokemon against higher-level opponents. If all the remaining Pokemon in your party are much stronger, and if wild Pokemon are also stronger, weak Pokemon can still be leveled. Begin a trainer battle or random encounter using the weak Pokemon. Switch it out immediately with a stronger Pokemon. When the opponent is defeated, both Pokemon in the battle gain experience points.
Use traded Pokemon in battle. Traded Pokemon gain 50 percent more experience in battle than do Pokemon that are not traded. Exchange Charmanders with a friend if you do not wish to lose a particular breed of Pokemon from your party.
Create Pokeblocks, which permanently raise one of five statistics: beauty, cool, tough, smart and cute. Players need to obtain the Pokeblock case from the contest hall in Slateport City. Berries are collected from trees throughout the Pokemon Universe. Use the berry blenders in the Lilycove City contest hall to create Pokeblocks.
Participate in battles against non-player characters and trainers. For example, players facing a trainer's level 50 Abra gain 782 experience; a wild level 50 Abra earns 521 experience.
Feed Pokemon rare candy. Rare candy levels a Pokemon up --- which may be useful if your Pokemon evolves at a certain level --- but does not raise other statistics.