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How to Find Regirock in the Emerald Version

Regirock is one of three legendary golems known collectively as the Regis. The Regis appear in the third generation of Pokemon games, while their master, Regigigas, only appears in the fourth generation. Players must complete a challenge in the Sealed Chamber. Clues about what to do are written on the walls in Braille. Once the Sealed Chamber challenge is complete, the lairs of each of the Regis are unlocked and they become available for capture.


    • 1

      Catch a Relicanth and a Wailord. Relicanth is only found by using the move "Dive" in areas with deep trenches. Find a location where the water turns deep blue and use Dive. Swim around and Relicanth will appear randomly. Wailord can be found while using Surf on Route 129 or its lower evolution Wailmer can be found by fishing in any location in the game. Wailmer evolves into Wailord at level 40.

    • 2

      Fly to Pacifidlog Town. Make sure to have Relicanth, Wailord and a Pokemon that knows the move "Dig" in your party.

    • 3

      Surf west to Route 134.

    • 4

      Use Dive on the darker water. Swim south to the rock with Braille on it and surface.

    • 5

      Walk to the back of the chamber and read the writing on the wall. Use the move Dig. A hole will appear in the wall. Walk through it.

    • 6

      Put Wailord in the first position of your Pokemon party and put Relicanth in the last position. Read the writing on the wall at the back of the chamber.

    • 7

      Fly to Mauville City.

    • 8

      Head north out of the city to Route 111. Enter the cave in the desert portion of the zone.

    • 9

      Save your game and examine Regirock to start the battle. © HT Games