Go to any PokeMart in ̶0;Pokemon: Fire Red.̶1;
Examine the clipboard on the counter. A prompt will ask if you would like to answer a questionnaire.
Select ̶0;Yes̶1; from the prompt. The questionnaire window will appear. This window will let you enter four words into it.
Enter ̶0;LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL̶1; into the questionnaire.
Confirm that is the answer for the questionnaire that you want. The clerk at the PokeMart will inform you that the Mystery Gift function is now active.
Save your game.
Reset the game to return to the main menu.
Walk into close proximity of a Wonder Spot at a Nintendo Event. If you can see the Wonder Spot, you should be within its wireless range.
Select ̶0;Mystery Gift̶1; from the main menu. This will connect you to the Wonder Spot and download any item or items it is giving out. The items, such as the Mystic Ticket or Aurora Ticket, will be available when you load your saved game.