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How to Get the Sapphire & Ruby Gems in Pokemon LeafGreen

After you have defeated the Elite Four and Giovanni's evil plans in ̶0;Pokemon LeafGreen,̶1; your journey isn't over. The game allows you to unlock trading between earlier games in the series by first completing a quest to obtain the Sapphire and Ruby gems. Once you have obtained these gems, you can import Pokemon from ̶0;Pokemon Ruby,̶1; ̶0;Pokemon Sapphire̶1; and ̶0;Pokemon Emerald.̶1; Your selection of creatures to battle with will grow and make you a better trainer.

Things You'll Need

  • Pokemon LeafGreen
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    • 1

      Create a party of Pokemon that features the Surf, Strength and Cut abilities. You will need these on your quest to locate the Ruby and Sapphire gems.

    • 2

      Travel to Cinnabar Island and speak to Bill inside the Pokemon Center. Agree to his quest. You will be lead to the dock and taken to One Island.

    • 3

      Speak with Celio inside the Pokemon Net Center on One Island. He ask you to locate the Ruby and Sapphire gems to power his machine.

    • 4

      Leave the Pokemon Net Center and head east. Use your Pokemon's Surf ability to travel north across the water. Continue to proceed north until you reach the base of Mt. Ember.

    • 5

      Proceed directly east and then head north until you meet two members of Team Rocket. The first member has Cubone and Marowak while the second has Rattata, Raticate, Sandshrew and Sandlash. Use Pokemon at Level 40 or higher to easily defeat these enemies.

    • 6

      Go through the cave entrance behind Team Rocket and travel until you reach three boulders. Use the Strength ability to move the closest boulder two spaces to the east. Push the second boulder one space east and the final boulder one space to the north. Proceed down the ladder behind the boulders.

    • 7

      Continue down the straight path until you reach a fork. Head south and continue down the stairs. Pass by the sign in the middle of the cavern and proceed down the stairs.

    • 8

      Approach the shiny object and examine it. You will add the Ruby to your inventory. Return to the Pokemon Net Center and give it to Celio.

    • 9

      Leave the Pokemon Center and take the boat at the docks to Fortune Island. Head south into Ruin Valley and then proceed to the center of the valley. Use Cut on the door and enter the temple. Drop down the hole.

    • 10

      Proceed through the next four rooms by dropping down the following holes--top, left, right and bottom. Examine the Sapphire in the center of the room. It will be stolen by a scientist.

    • 11

      Return to the dock and head to Chrono Island. Proceed to Five Isle Meadow which is south east of the dock. Go to the warehouse in the center of the meadow.

    • 12

      Give the Team Rocket grunt the following passwords when asked, ̶0;Goldeen need log̶1; and ̶0;Yes, nah, Chansey.̶1;

    • 13

      Follow the conveyor belts through the warehouse until you reach Gideon. Battle against his electric Pokemon and upon his defeat you will receive the Sapphire. Return to Celio and give him the second gem to unlock trading between LeafGreen and Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. © HT Games